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Auto Layout

Looks familiar? If you've used Sketch before you may have noticed a similar feature in the properties panel on the right. It's not as complex as Xcode's Auto Layout but it does a good job at mimicking some of the constraints and acts as an excellent starting point when thinking about adaptive layouts. XCode-Auto-Layout

Making Your Design Adaptive

This is the screen we're going to make it adaptive. To do this, we're going to design on an iPhone 8 sized Artboard. Then we will set up our constraints, so our design scales up to iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X, and down to a smaller screen like the iPhone SE, ensuring no matter what device our app is on, it looks great. App-Example

Adding Constraints

When you select a layer in Sketch, you can modify its properties by changing values in the properties panel on the right panel. This is where the constraints panel lives. The panel is split into two parts, the box on the left is used to set which side of the Artboard of your selected layer will pin to when the artboard is resized. The two buttons on the right set whether the layer will stretch or retain its set width and height. Let me show you some examples of how this works. Constraints-Panel

No Constraint

This first example shows what happens when we resize the Artboard without setting constraints on the layer.


In this second example, we've pinned the layer to the top and left edges of our Artboard and locked the height. When we resize, the layer stays pinned in place and resizes horizontally only, as we didn't lock its width.

Content Break

By default with no constraints set, our design won't adapt to different layouts. Let’s try with an iPhone 8, down to an iPhone SE and see what happens.

As you can see, with no constraints set, our design breaks when we change the Artboard size. Let’s fix that and make the design adaptive.

Title Constraints

Starting at the top and working our way down, let’s apply constraints to our Title group which contains our search bar, title, and icons. As you apply the constraints to layers, it’s important to think about how you want the layer to behave when the screen size changes. For example, in the Title group we want the search bar background to stretch, but the icon inside it to retain its position and size. Let’s set up some constraints on our group and its child layers. Setting-Title-Constraints

Group Constraints

First, we apply constraints to the Group, pinning it to the top left and top right and fixing its height. This ensures that when the device’s height is changed, the Group stays anchored to the top. When the width is changed, it changes with the device width.

Child Constraints

When the Group’s constraints have been set, we can work our way inwards, applying constraints to its child layers. Here, we set constraints on the search bars width and height.

Child Constraints 2

As the search bar also contains its own children, we'll set constraints on these as well. We want the text box to change width with the bar, so let’s pin that to the left and lock its height. The search icon should remain pinned to the left, and shouldn't stretch when the bars width changes, so we'll lock its size to prevent this from happening. In the same way, we need to pin the title Bookmarks, it needs to have a fixed width and height and to be pinned to the left and top.

Constraints Results

Using the same logic, the last thing to do is set the constraints on the 'Bookmarks' title and the group of icons. When finished our title group is ready and adapts to iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone SE screen sizes.

Adaptive Tab Bar

As you can see our title group is adaptive, but the rest of our layout still breaks when we change the screen size. Next, we're going to set some constraints on our tab bar and its child elements. The tab bar should stay pinned to the bottom edge of the screen but stretch as the screen’s width changes, to do this we activate the bottom pin and lock its height, as we don't want it to stretch vertically when the screen’s height changes. Finally, select the five tab elements which are all symbols and lock the width and height. This ensures they stay nicely spaced when the width changes, and doesn’t stretch.

Pro Tip

Constraints don't just apply to regular layers and groups. More complex shapes can be made adaptive too. Check out this tooltip. We may want its width to be variable, and change when the screen does, but the pin should retain its position, width, and height. Pro-Tip

Pin Distorts

Constraints are applied to the overall shape, making sure that it’s pinned to the left and right edges of the Artboard. When we resize the Artboard, the tooltip’s body resizes, but see the pin? It changes position and becomes distorted.

Making the Entire Shape Adaptive

By double-clicking inside the shape and selecting the pin itself, we can pin it to the left and lock its width and height. Now the entire tooltip becomes adaptive, and won't break when the screen size changes.


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We all try to be consistent with our way of teaching step-by-step, providing source files and prioritizing design in our courses.

John Sherwin

Product Designer



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