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1. Understanding the Ternary Conditional Operator in Swift

The ternary conditional operator is one of Swift's most elegant yet powerful features, enabling concise conditional logic that perfectly complements SwiftUI's declarative approach to building user interfaces.

A. Fundamentals and Definition

i. What makes an operator "ternary" (operates on three operands) The term "ternary" comes from Latin "ternarius," meaning "consisting of three." Unlike unary operators (which work with one operand) or binary operators (which work with two), the ternary conditional operator is Swift's only operator that works with three distinct pieces of information: a condition to evaluate and two possible expressions to choose from based on that evaluation.

ii. The unique position of the ternary operator in Swift's operator ecosystem The ternary operator holds a distinctive place in Swift's syntax as the only operator that enables inline conditional value selection. While Swift offers many operators for mathematical, logical, and bitwise operations, the ternary operator is unique in its ability to embed decision-making directly within expressions, making it particularly valuable for SwiftUI's declarative syntax.

iii. Syntax structure: condition ? expression1 : expression2 The ternary operator follows a simple yet powerful structure: condition ? valueIfTrue : valueIfFalse. The condition must evaluate to a Boolean value. When true, the operator returns the first expression; when false, it returns the second. This elegant syntax allows for complex conditional logic to be expressed in a single line of code.

B. Role in SwiftUI's Declarative Paradigm

i. How the ternary operator enhances SwiftUI's expressiveness SwiftUI's declarative approach means describing what your interface should look like rather than how to create it. The ternary operator perfectly complements this paradigm by allowing developers to embed conditional logic directly within view declarations. This enables dynamic UI elements that respond to state changes without verbose if-else blocks that would break the declarative flow.

ii. Connection to functional programming principles The ternary operator aligns with functional programming's emphasis on expressions over statements. By enabling conditional logic as expressions (which return values) rather than statements (which perform actions), the ternary operator supports SwiftUI's functional approach to UI development. This expressiveness leads to more composable and testable code.

iii. Impact on code conciseness and readability in view declarations When used appropriately, the ternary operator significantly improves code density without sacrificing readability. In SwiftUI views, where descriptive clarity is essential, the ternary operator enables developers to express conditional UI behavior in compact, easy-to-scan formats. This conciseness is particularly valuable when working with modifiers that need to adapt based on state.

2. Basic Syntax and Mechanics

A. Understanding the Components

i. The condition expression (Boolean evaluation) The condition in a ternary operator must evaluate to a Boolean value (true or false). This can be a direct Boolean variable (isLoading), a comparison (age >= 18), a function call that returns a Boolean (user.isAuthenticated()), or a compound logical expression (isEnabled && !isProcessing). The condition is evaluated first, and its result determines which of the two expressions will be executed. Swift evaluates this condition eagerly – it's always computed before either of the result expressions.

// Examples of valid conditions
let hasPermission = true
let userAge = 25

// Simple Boolean variable
hasPermission ? "Granted" : "Denied"

// Comparison operation
userAge >= 21 ? "Allowed" : "Restricted"

// Compound logical expression
(userAge >= 18 && hasPermission) ? "Full access" : "Limited access"

ii. The "true" expression (value when condition is true) If the condition evaluates to true, the expression immediately following the question mark is evaluated and its result becomes the value of the entire ternary expression. This can be any valid Swift expression that produces a value – a literal, a variable, a function call, or even another ternary operation. In SwiftUI, this is often a specific view, modifier, or property value.

// The highlighted text is returned when isSelected is true
Text(isSelected ? "Selected" : "Not Selected")
    .foregroundColor(isSelected ? .blue : .gray)
    .font(isSelected ? .headline : .body)

iii. The "false" expression (value when condition is false) The expression following the colon represents the alternative value that's produced when the condition is false. Like the "true" expression, this can be any valid Swift expression. Only one of the two possible expressions (true or false) is ever executed – Swift uses short-circuit evaluation for efficiency, meaning it won't compute the unused expression.

// Complete SwiftUI example showing both branches
struct ConditionalView: View {
    @State private var isExpanded = false

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text(isExpanded ? "Collapse Details" : "Show Details")

            // The entire view is conditionally rendered
            isExpanded ? 
                    VStack {
                        Text("Additional information")
                        Text("More details here")
                ) : 

            Button("Toggle") {
                withAnimation {

B. Type Requirements and Constraints

i. Type consistency between true and false expressions Both the "true" and "false" expressions in a ternary operation must evaluate to values of the same type or types that are compatible through Swift's type system. This ensures the ternary expression itself has a well-defined type regardless of which branch executes. If the types don't match, you'll encounter a compilation error. This constraint is fundamental to Swift's strong type safety.

// Valid: Both expressions return String
let message = isLoggedIn ? "Welcome back!" : "Please sign in"

// Valid: Both expressions return Int
let price = isPremium ? 99 : 49

// Invalid: Types don't match (String vs Int)
// let result = isActive ? "Active" : 42  // Compilation error

// Valid with compatible types: Double can implicitly convert to CGFloat
let opacity: CGFloat = isEnabled ? 1.0 : 0.5

ii. Type inference with the ternary operator Swift's type inference works seamlessly with the ternary operator. The compiler automatically determines the type of the entire expression based on the shared type of both result expressions. This reduces the need for explicit type annotations and keeps code clean. However, in complex situations, adding explicit type annotations can improve clarity and help catch potential issues early.

// Type inference in action
let isHighlighted = true

// Swift infers the result type as Color
let textColor = isHighlighted ? Color.white :

// Type inference with more complex expressions
let padding = isCompact ? 8 : (isLarge ? 24 : 16)  // Inferred as Int

// Sometimes explicit typing helps clarify intent
let scale: CGFloat = isZoomedIn ? 1.5 : 1.0

iii. Handling different return types with protocols and type erasure When dealing with truly different types in SwiftUI (like different view types), we need strategies to maintain type consistency. Common approaches include:

  1. Protocol conformance: Using a shared protocol that both types implement
  2. Type erasure: Using wrapper types like AnyView to erase specific view type information
  3. ViewBuilder: Leveraging SwiftUI's ViewBuilder to handle different view types
// Type erasure with AnyView
let contentView = isLoading ? 
    AnyView(ProgressView()) : 

// Using ViewBuilder (preferred in most cases)
var body: some View {
    VStack {
        if isLoading {
        } else {

// Protocol conformance for custom types
protocol DisplayItem {
    var displayText: String { get }

struct User: DisplayItem {
    var displayText: String { return name }
    var name: String

struct Product: DisplayItem {
    var displayText: String { return title }
    var title: String

// Now we can use the protocol type
let item: DisplayItem = isShowingUser ? User(name: "Alex") : Product(title: "iPhone")

Type erasure with AnyView should be used judiciously as it has performance implications in SwiftUI. The framework needs to do more work at runtime when view types are erased, potentially impacting rendering performance. Using conditional if/else with ViewBuilder is often more performant for complex view differences.

3. Ternary Operator in SwiftUI View Construction

The ternary operator truly shines in SwiftUI, where its concise syntax perfectly complements the framework's declarative approach to building user interfaces. Let's explore how it can be applied to create dynamic, state-responsive interfaces.

A. Conditional Property Assignment

i. Dynamic text and label content The ternary operator excels at dynamically selecting text content based on application state. This creates interfaces that respond naturally to user actions and system changes without complex conditional logic.

struct UserGreetingView: View {
    @State private var isLoggedIn = false
    @State private var username = "Sarah"

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            // Dynamic text selection based on login state
            Text(isLoggedIn ? "Welcome back, \(username)!" : "Please sign in")

            // Button with dynamic label
            Button(isLoggedIn ? "Sign Out" : "Sign In") {

            // Status indicator with dynamic content
            HStack {
                    .fill(isLoggedIn ? :
                    .frame(width: 10, height: 10)
                Text(isLoggedIn ? "Active Session" : "Inactive")

This approach creates intuitive text transitions where content reflects the current application state. By embedding the conditional logic directly in the view declaration, we create a tight coupling between state and presentation that's easy to understand and maintain.

ii. Conditional styling and modifiers Beyond content selection, the ternary operator allows for dynamic application of SwiftUI modifiers. This enables views to change their appearance, layout, and behavior based on state variables without cluttering the code with separate conditional branches.

struct AdaptiveCardView: View {
    @State private var isSelected = false
    @Environment(\.colorScheme) var colorScheme

    var body: some View {
        VStack(alignment: .leading) {
            Text("SwiftUI Card")
            Text("Tap to select this card")
            // Conditional background color based on selection state and color scheme
            RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 12)
                    ? (colorScheme == .dark ? : Color.indigo)
                    : (colorScheme == .dark ? Color(.systemGray5) : Color(.systemGray6)))
        // Multiple conditional modifiers applied
        .shadow(radius: isSelected ? 5 : 2)
        .scaleEffect(isSelected ? 1.05 : 1.0)
        .padding(isSelected ? 8 : 4)
        .onTapGesture {
            withAnimation(.spring()) {

This pattern creates sophisticated visual feedback with minimal code. Each aspect of the view's presentation can be tied to state variables, creating a rich, responsive interface that feels natural to users.

iii. Animation parameter selection The ternary operator is particularly useful for selecting animation parameters based on state, enabling different animation behaviors for different contexts. This subtle control creates polished, nuanced user experiences.

struct AnimatedToggleView: View {
    @State private var isExpanded = false
    @State private var isFastAnimation = false

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            // The main content with conditional animation
            VStack {
                Text("Details Panel")

                if isExpanded {
                    VStack(alignment: .leading) {
                        Text("This panel contains additional information")
                        Text("You can configure animation speed with the switch below")
            .frame(maxWidth: .infinity)

            // Animation control buttons
            HStack {
                Toggle("Fast Animation", isOn: $isFastAnimation)


                Button(isExpanded ? "Collapse" : "Expand") {
                    // The animation parameters are selected with ternary operators
                            ? .easeInOut(duration: 0.3)
                            : .spring(
                                response: 0.6,
                                dampingFraction: isExpanded ? 0.7 : 0.6,
                                blendDuration: 0.3
                    ) {

By dynamically selecting animation parameters, we can create contextually appropriate motion that enhances usability. Fast, utilitarian animations may be preferable in some situations, while more expressive, physics-based animations might be better in others. The ternary operator makes these selections straightforward.

B. View Content Selection

i. Choosing between two views based on state One of the most powerful applications of the ternary operator in SwiftUI is selecting entirely different views based on state variables. This enables screens to transform their layout and content structure in response to user actions or system events.

struct ContentSwitcherView: View {
    @State private var showDetailView = false
    @State private var selectedItem: Item? = nil

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            // Header remains consistent

            // The main content area switches completely
            showDetailView && selectedItem != nil
                ? AnyView(
                    DetailView(item: selectedItem!)
                        .transition(.move(edge: .trailing))
                : AnyView(
                    ListView(items: sampleItems) { item in
                        withAnimation {
                            selectedItem = item
                            showDetailView = true
                    .transition(.move(edge: .leading))

            // Footer with navigation controls
            if showDetailView {
                Button("Back to List") {
                    withAnimation {
                        showDetailView = false

    // Sample data
    var sampleItems: [Item] = [
        Item(id: 1, title: "First Item"),
        Item(id: 2, title: "Second Item"),
        Item(id: 3, title: "Third Item")

// Supporting views and models would be defined here
struct Item: Identifiable {
    var id: Int
    var title: String

Notice the use of AnyView here to erase the specific view types, allowing the ternary operator to return a single consistent type. While this approach works well for simple view switches, it's worth noting that excessive use of AnyView can impact performance, as SwiftUI loses some ability to optimize view updates.

ii. Conditional rendering patterns Beyond simple view switching, the ternary operator enables more nuanced conditional rendering patterns that adapt layouts based on multiple factors. This creates interfaces that respond intelligently to both user actions and environmental conditions.

struct AdaptiveLayoutView: View {
    @Environment(\.horizontalSizeClass) var sizeClass
    @State private var isLoading = false
    @State private var hasError = false

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            // Conditional header style based on size class
            Text("Adaptive Layout Demo")
                .font(sizeClass == .compact ? .title2 : .title)
                .padding(sizeClass == .compact ? 8 : 16)

            // Multi-state content area using nested ternaries
            ZStack {
                if isLoading {
                } else {
                    // Error state takes precedence over normal content
                        ? AnyView(
                            VStack {
                                Image(systemName: "exclamationmark.triangle")
                                Text("Something went wrong")
                                Button("Retry") {
                        : AnyView(
                            // The main content varies by size class
                            sizeClass == .compact
                                ? VStack { /* Compact layout content */ }
                                : HStack { /* Regular layout content */ }
            .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)

    func loadData() {
        isLoading = true
        hasError = false

        // Simulate network request
        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 2) {
            isLoading = false
            // Simulate occasional error
            hasError = Bool.random()

While this example demonstrates the flexibility of ternary operators for handling multiple states, it also reveals how nested ternaries can become challenging to read. In complex scenarios, consider alternative patterns like enum-based state management or dedicated view computations.

iii. Integration with ViewBuilder contexts The SwiftUI ViewBuilder attribute enables a more natural conditional syntax in many cases, often providing a cleaner alternative to multiple ternary operators for view selection. Understanding when to use each approach is key to writing maintainable SwiftUI code.

struct HybridPatternView: View {
    @State private var selection = 0

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            // Picker to control which content is shown
            Picker("View Selection", selection: $selection) {

            // The Spacer uses a ternary for a simple property
            Spacer().frame(height: selection == 0 ? 20 : 10)

            // Complex content selection uses ViewBuilder's if/else pattern
            Group {
                if selection == 0 {
                    RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 12)
                        .frame(height: 100)
                        .overlay(Text("First View").foregroundColor(.white))
                } else if selection == 1 {
                        .frame(height: 100)
                        .overlay(Text("Second View").foregroundColor(.white))
                } else {
                        .frame(height: 100)
                        .overlay(Text("Third View").foregroundColor(.white))

            // Ternary is still useful for inline property selection
            Text("Using \(selection == 0 ? "first" : selection == 1 ? "second" : "third") option")
                .foregroundColor(selection == 2 ? .orange : .primary)

This example demonstrates a hybrid approach where:

  • Simple property selections use the ternary operator
  • Complex view structure differences use ViewBuilder's if/else syntax
  • Nested ternaries are limited to concise text selection

By combining these approaches judiciously, you can write SwiftUI code that remains readable while taking advantage of Swift's expressive syntax. The key is to use ternary operators where they enhance clarity and conciseness, while deferring to ViewBuilder's more explicit syntax for complex view differences.

4. Comparison with Alternatives

When building SwiftUI interfaces, developers have several options for implementing conditional logic. Understanding the strengths and limitations of each approach helps you select the right tool for each specific scenario.

A. Ternary vs. if-else Statements

i. Expression vs. statement nature

The fundamental difference between ternary operators and if-else statements lies in their nature: ternary operators are expressions, while if-else constructs are statements. This distinction has profound implications for how they're used in Swift and SwiftUI.

Ternary operators produce values that can be directly assigned, returned, or passed as arguments:

// The ternary returns a value that can be directly assigned
let greeting = isLoggedIn ? "Welcome back!" : "Hello, guest!"

// It can be used inline as a function parameter
Text(isVisible ? "Now you see me" : "Now you don't")
    .foregroundColor(isHighlighted ? .blue : .gray)

In contrast, if-else statements control program flow but don't directly produce values:

// If-else controls which code runs but doesn't return a value
var greeting: String
if isLoggedIn {
    greeting = "Welcome back!"
} else {
    greeting = "Hello, guest!"

// Using in SwiftUI requires separate variable definition
var textColor: Color
if isHighlighted {
    textColor = .blue
} else {
    textColor = .gray
Text("Some content").foregroundColor(textColor)

This expression-based nature makes ternary operators particularly well-suited for SwiftUI's declarative style, where you're describing what should appear rather than imperatively constructing it.

ii. Conciseness benefits in SwiftUI

The ternary operator shines in SwiftUI by enabling inline conditional logic that preserves the declarative flow of view building. This conciseness creates several benefits:

  1. Spatial locality: The condition and both potential values appear together, making the relationship immediately clear:
// The condition and both results are visually adjacent
Text(isEnabled ? "Active" : "Inactive")
    .foregroundColor(isEnabled ? .green : .red)
    .opacity(isEnabled ? 1.0 : 0.6)
  1. Modifier chaining: Ternaries integrate seamlessly with SwiftUI's modifier chains:
Image(systemName: "")
    .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
    .frame(width: isCompact ? 32 : 48)
    .foregroundColor(isSelected ? .blue : .gray)
    .padding(isCompact ? 8 : 12)
  1. Reduced nesting and braces: The ternary operator eliminates the nested structure and multiple braces required by if-else statements:
// Compare this:
Button(action: { toggleState() }) {
    Text(isActive ? "Deactivate" : "Activate")
        .background(isActive ? :

// To the equivalent if-else approach:
Button(action: { toggleState() }) {
    if isActive {
    } else {

The if-else approach requires duplicating modifiers or extracting them to a common wrapper, both of which can reduce clarity.

iii. Readability considerations in complex conditions

While ternary operators offer conciseness, they can become difficult to read in complex scenarios:

  1. Nested ternaries often reduce readability significantly:
// Hard to parse at a glance
let status = isLoggedIn 
    ? (hasPermission ? "Full access" : "Limited access") 
    : (isGuest ? "Guest access" : "No access")
  1. Long expressions on either side of the ternary can make the conditional relationship unclear:
// The condition-result relationship is obscured by expression length
    ? "An error occurred while processing your request. Please try again later or contact support if the problem persists." 
    : "Your request was processed successfully. You should receive a confirmation email shortly with additional details.")
  1. Multiple conditions evaluated together can be difficult to parse:
// Complex condition makes the logic harder to follow
let accessLevel = (userAge >= 18 && hasSubscription && !isTemporarilyBlocked) 
    ? "Premium" 
    : "Standard"

In these situations, if-else statements or more structured approaches often improve readability:

// More readable approach for complex conditions
var accessLevel = "Standard"
if userAge >= 18 && hasSubscription && !isTemporarilyBlocked {
    accessLevel = "Premium"

For SwiftUI specifically, the ViewBuilder's if-else support often provides a cleaner solution for complex view differences:

VStack {
    // Complex conditional rendering is clearer with if-else
    if loadingState == .loading {
    } else if loadingState == .failed {
        VStack {
            Image(systemName: "exclamationmark.triangle")
            Text("Failed to load data")
            Button("Retry") { reload() }
    } else {
        ContentView(data: loadedData)

B. Ternary vs. switch Expressions

i. When to prefer ternary over switch

The ternary operator is typically preferable in specific scenarios:

  1. Simple binary conditions where you're choosing between exactly two options:
// Perfect for true/false selection
Text(isSelected ? "Selected" : "Not Selected")

// Clean and direct for simple either/or cases
let alignment: HorizontalAlignment = isLeading ? .leading : .trailing
  1. Inline property assignment where brevity improves readability:
// Concise property selection
Button("Toggle") {
.background(isActive ? .green : .gray)
.animation(.easeInOut, value: isActive)
  1. Expressions embedded within larger statements where a switch would disrupt flow:
// Embedded within a method call
withAnimation(isQuick ? .easeOut(duration: 0.2) : .spring()) {

ii. When to prefer switch over ternary

Switch statements become more appropriate in other circumstances:

  1. Multi-case selection beyond binary choices:
// More readable with switch for multiple cases
var statusColor: Color {
    switch status {
    case .pending:
        return .yellow
    case .approved:
        return .green
    case .rejected:
        return .red
    case .underReview:
        return .orange
  1. Pattern matching capabilities:
// Switch enables powerful pattern matching
var description: String {
    switch (age, subscription) {
    case (0..<13, _):
        return "Child account"
    case (13..<18, .premium):
        return "Teen premium"
    case (13..<18, _):
        return "Teen standard"
    case (_, .premium):
        return "Adult premium"
        return "Adult standard"
  1. Complex logic within cases that would be unwieldy in a ternary:
// Switch allows for more complex handling per case
var content: some View {
    switch loadingState {
    case .loading:
        return AnyView(
                .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
    case .loaded(let data):
        return AnyView(
            List(data) { item in
                ItemRow(item: item)
    case .failed(let error):
        return AnyView(
            VStack {
                Image(systemName: "exclamationmark.triangle")
                Text("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
                Button("Retry") {
  1. Enums with associated values are particularly well-suited to switch statements:
enum UserState {
    case anonymous
    case authenticated(User)
    case verifying(email: String)

var loginView: some View {
    switch userState {
    case .anonymous:
        return AnyView(LoginForm())
    case .authenticated(let user):
        return AnyView(ProfileView(user: user))
    case .verifying(let email):
        return AnyView(VerificationView(email: email))

iii. Combining approaches for optimal code

In practice, many SwiftUI interfaces benefit from a strategic combination of ternary operators and switch statements:

struct ContentView: View {
    enum DisplayMode {
        case list, grid, detail

    @State private var mode: DisplayMode = .list
    @State private var isEditing = false

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            // Toolbar with simple toggling - good for ternary
            HStack {
                Button(isEditing ? "Done" : "Edit") {


                // View mode selector with multiple options - switch pattern
                HStack {
                    ForEach([DisplayMode.list, .grid, .detail], id: \.self) { displayMode in
                        Button {
                            withAnimation {
                                mode = displayMode
                        } label: {
                            Image(systemName: iconName(for: displayMode))
                                .foregroundColor(mode == displayMode ? .blue : .gray)
                        .padding(.horizontal, 4)

            // Main content uses switch for multi-case handling
                // But modifiers use ternary for simplicity
                .opacity(isEditing ? 0.7 : 1.0)

    // Switch used for icon selection based on enum
    private func iconName(for mode: DisplayMode) -> String {
        switch mode {
        case .list: return "list.bullet"
        case .grid: return "square.grid.2x2"
        case .detail: return "doc.text"

    // Switch used for different view structures
    private var mainContent: some View {
        switch mode {
        case .list:
            return AnyView(
                List(items) { item in
                    ItemRow(item: item, isEditing: isEditing)
        case .grid:
            return AnyView(
                ScrollView {
                    LazyVGrid(columns: [GridItem(.adaptive(minimum: 150))]) {
                        ForEach(items) { item in
                            ItemCard(item: item)
                                // Ternary used for simple modifier variation
                                .opacity(isEditing ? 0.8 : 1.0)
        case .detail:
            return AnyView(
                    item: items.first!,
                    showActions: !isEditing

    // Sample data
    var items: [Item] = (1...10).map { Item(id: $0, title: "Item \($0)") }

// Supporting types would be defined here
struct Item: Identifiable {
    var id: Int
    var title: String

This hybrid approach follows a pattern where:

  1. Simple binary choices use the ternary operator for concise, inline selection
  2. Multiple distinct cases use switch statements for clarity and pattern matching
  3. Nested conditions are structured to avoid complex, hard-to-read nested ternaries

The key to effective SwiftUI code is selecting the right tool for each specific conditional scenario, prioritizing both code clarity and performance considerations.


We've now completed our exploration of Swift operators – the essential building blocks that power the language's expressive syntax. Throughout this section, we've examined the complete operator ecosystem: unary operators that transform single values, binary operators that work with two operands, and the uniquely powerful ternary conditional operator that evaluates three distinct components.

We've covered arithmetic operators for mathematical operations, comparison operators for evaluating relationships between values, logical operators for boolean logic, and finally, the ternary conditional operator that enables elegant inline decision-making particularly suited to SwiftUI's declarative paradigm.

Understanding these operators and knowing when to apply each type gives you the tools to write more concise, readable, and maintainable Swift code. As you continue building SwiftUI interfaces, you'll find that mastering operators – especially the versatile ternary operator – allows you to create dynamic, state-responsive UIs with clean, expressive syntax that perfectly complements SwiftUI's modern approach to UI development.

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We all try to be consistent with our way of teaching step-by-step, providing source files and prioritizing design in our courses.

Sourasith Phomhome

UI Designer

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Build a React Native app with Claude AI

This comprehensive course explores the integration of cutting-edge AI tools into the React Native development workflow, revolutionizing the approach to mobile application creation. Participants will learn to leverage AI-powered platforms such as Claude and Locofy to expedite coding processes, enhance problem-solving capabilities, and optimize productivity.

13 hrs

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Design and Prototype for iOS 18

Design and Prototype for iOS 18 is an immersive course that equips you with the skills to create stunning, user-friendly mobile applications. From mastering Figma to understanding iOS 18's latest design principles, you'll learn to craft two real-world apps - a Car Control interface and an AI assistant.

3 hrs

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Master Responsive Layouts in Figma

Creating responsive layouts is a must-have skill for any UI/UX designer. With so many different devices and screen sizes, designing interfaces that look great and work well on all platforms is necessary. Mastering this skill will make you stand out in the field. In this course, we'll start from scratch to create this beautiful design using Figma. You'll learn how to make layouts that are easy to use and work well on any device. We'll cover key concepts and tools to help you master responsive design in Figma.

2 hrs

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UI UX Design with Mobbin and Figma

Mobbin is a powerful tool for UI/UX designers seeking inspiration and innovative design solutions. This platform offers a vast collection of real-world mobile app designs, providing a treasure trove of UI elements and layouts.

2 hrs

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3D UI Interactive Web Design with Spline

Learn to create 3D designs and UI interactions such as 3D icons, UI animations, components, variables, screen resize, scrolling interactions, as well as exporting, optimizing, and publishing your 3D assets on websites

3 hrs

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Design and Prototype for iOS 17 in Figma

Crafting engaging experiences for iOS 17 and visionOS using the Figma design tool. Learn about Figma's new prototyping features, Dev Mode, variables and auto layout.

6 hrs

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Design and Prototype Apps with Midjourney

A comprehensive course on transforming Midjourney concepts into interactive prototypes using essential design techniques and AI tools

8 hrs

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iOS Design with Midjourney and Figma

Learn the fundamentals of App UI design and master the art of creating beautiful and intuitive user interfaces for mobile applications

1 hrs

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UI Design for iOS, Android and Web in Sketch

Create a UI design from scratch using Smart Layout, Components, Prototyping in Sketch app

1 hrs

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UI Design a Camera App in Figma

Design a dark, vibrant and curvy app design from scratch in Figma. Design glass icons, lens strokes and realistic buttons.

1 hrs

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UI Design for iOS 16 in Sketch

A complete guide to designing for iOS 16 with videos, examples and design files

3 hrs

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Prototyping in Figma

Learn the basics of prototyping in Figma by creating interactive flows from custom designs

1 hrs

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UI Design Quick Websites in Figma

Learn how to design a portfolio web UI from scratch in Figma

1 hrs

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UI Design Android Apps in Figma

Design Android application UIs from scratch using various tricks and techniques in Figma

2 hrs

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UI Design Quick Apps in Figma

Design application UIs from scratch using various tricks and techniques in Figma

12 hrs

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Figma Handbook

A comprehensive guide to the best tips and tricks in Figma

6 hrs