Comments: Documentation Waypoints in Your SwiftUI Codebase
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Transform your code from mysterious instructions to a comprehensive narrative with strategic comments that explain the why

SwiftUI Fundamentals Handbook
Building Your iOS Development Foundation
Print Statements Debugging
Comments: Documentation Waypoints in Your SwiftUI Codebase
Variables and Constants
Strings and Interpolation
Swift Operators: The Foundation of SwiftUI Logic
Unary Operators
Binary Operators
Arithmetic Operators
If-Else and Comparison Operators
Logical Operators
Ternary Operators
Blocks and Scope
Swift Collections: Arrays, Sets, and Dictionaries Overview
Swift Arrays: The Basics Part 1
Swift Arrays: Best Practices in SwiftUI Part 2
1. Introduction
Documentation serves as the backbone of successful SwiftUI development, transforming mere functional code into maintainable, collaborative software systems. While SwiftUI's declarative approach creates elegant interfaces with less code, it introduces unique documentation challenges that require thoughtful consideration.
A. The critical role of documentation in SwiftUI development
In the world of SwiftUI development, creating elegant, functional applications requires more than just writing code that works. It demands a comprehensive approach to documentation that supports the entire development lifecycle. SwiftUI's declarative paradigm, while powerful, introduces unique challenges in understanding view compositions, state management techniques, and component relationships.
Effective documentation serves as the foundation for building robust, maintainable applications. It not only helps explain complex implementations but also creates a codebase that can evolve and scale with changing requirements. As SwiftUI projects grow in complexity—incorporating sophisticated view hierarchies, state management systems, and custom components—the ability to document clearly becomes increasingly valuable.
The declarative nature of SwiftUI means that understanding the intent behind complex view compositions, custom modifiers, or state management decisions is essential for maintaining code clarity and facilitating team collaboration. Well-crafted documentation creates a shared understanding that benefits both current and future developers working on the project.
B. Overview of comments as documentation waypoints
Comments serve as documentation waypoints throughout your codebase. They explain your intent, document architectural decisions, and provide context that might not be immediately obvious from the code itself. Well-crafted comments create a narrative that guides developers—including your future self—through complex implementations, making your code more approachable and maintainable.
Comments ensure your code remains understandable and maintainable in the future. They provide the backstory and reasoning that pure code cannot convey, creating a comprehensive picture of not just what your code does, but why it does it that way. This contextual information is invaluable for maintaining and extending SwiftUI applications over time.
C. How comments contribute to code quality and developer efficiency
The strategic implementation of comments significantly enhances both code quality and developer efficiency in several key ways:
- First, they reduce the cognitive load associated with understanding complex code. SwiftUI's declarative syntax, while elegant, can sometimes obscure the relationships between components and the flow of data. Well-placed comments clarify these relationships, making the code more accessible.
- Second, they facilitate collaboration within development teams. Comments serve as a form of asynchronous communication, allowing developers to understand each other's code without direct interaction. This is particularly valuable in distributed teams or when onboarding new team members to a SwiftUI project.
- Third, they create a foundation for maintainable code. SwiftUI applications evolve over time, with new features being added and existing ones being modified. Comments document the reasoning behind implementation decisions, helping future developers understand why things were built a certain way.
- Fourth, they improve the overall quality of your codebase by encouraging thoughtful design and implementation. The process of writing clear, concise comments often leads to better code organization and more considered architectural decisions.
By investing time in mastering this fundamental documentation approach, you'll not only become more proficient at explaining your code but also at creating SwiftUI applications that remain comprehensible and maintainable over time. Throughout this tutorial, we'll explore how to leverage comments effectively, with practical examples and best practices tailored specifically to SwiftUI development.
2. Comments: Documentation Waypoints in Your Codebase
Comments transform SwiftUI code from mere instructions into a comprehensive narrative that guides developers through complex implementations. They serve as the essential bridge between code functionality and development intent, creating a more accessible and maintainable codebase that stands the test of time.
A. The role and importance of comments in SwiftUI projects
Comments serve as the narrative thread that ties your code together, providing context, explanation, and reasoning that might not be immediately evident from the code itself. In SwiftUI projects, where declarative syntax and reactive programming patterns can sometimes obscure the underlying logic, well-crafted comments become even more valuable.
Think of comments as documentation waypoints throughout your codebase—signposts that guide developers (including your future self) through the intricacies of your implementation. They explain not just what your code does, but why certain decisions were made, what constraints or considerations influenced your approach, and how different components interact.
In SwiftUI specifically, comments help clarify:
- The intent behind complex view hierarchies or custom layout logic
- The reasoning for specific state management approaches
- The expected behavior of custom modifiers or components
- The data flow between views and view models
- The handling of SwiftUI lifecycle events and their consequences
While Swift and SwiftUI often produce readable, self-documenting code, comments fill the gaps where code alone can't convey the complete picture. They transform your codebase from a collection of instructions into a comprehensive, understandable system.
B. How comments enhance code readability and maintainability
Comments fundamentally transform the readability and maintainability of SwiftUI code in several essential ways:
- They provide context: SwiftUI's declarative syntax is elegant but can sometimes hide the reasoning behind implementation choices. Comments provide the "why" that complements the "what" and "how" expressed in your code. This context is invaluable when revisiting code months later or when other developers need to understand your implementation.
- They clarify complex logic: When implementing sophisticated behaviors—like custom animations, complex gestures, or intricate layout algorithms—comments break down the logic into understandable components. This clarification makes it easier to debug, modify, or extend the functionality in the future.
- They document assumptions and constraints: Comments can explain the boundary conditions, performance considerations, or framework limitations that influenced your implementation decisions. This knowledge is crucial for maintaining the code without introducing regressions or unexpected behaviors.
- They create navigational aids: In larger codebases, comments help developers quickly orient themselves and understand the structure and purpose of different components. They act as a map that makes the codebase more navigable and approachable.
- They preserve institutional knowledge: Comments capture insights, lessons learned, and specialized knowledge that might otherwise be lost when team members change or when time passes between development cycles. This preservation of knowledge ensures continuity and consistency in development practices.
C. Key benefits of well-crafted comments in team environments
In team-based SwiftUI development, comments deliver specific benefits that enhance collaboration and code quality:
- Accelerated onboarding: New team members can more quickly understand the codebase's architecture, patterns, and idiosyncrasies when they're well-documented with comments. This accelerates their ability to contribute meaningfully to the project.
- Shared understanding: Comments establish a common interpretation of how components should work and interact, reducing misunderstandings and inconsistent implementations across the team.
- Reduced dependency on original authors: Well-commented code reduces the "bus factor"—the risk associated with knowledge being concentrated in specific team members. When implementation details are clearly documented, the team can maintain and extend the code even if the original authors are unavailable.
- More effective code reviews: Comments provide reviewers with insights into the author's thinking, making code reviews more focused on substantive issues rather than clarification questions.
- Improved architectural consistency: Comments about architectural decisions help maintain a consistent approach across the codebase, even as multiple developers contribute to it over time.
D. Strategic timing for comment implementation
Knowing when to add comments is as important as knowing how to write them effectively:
- During initial implementation: As you write new SwiftUI components or features, document your thought process, constraints, and key decisions. This "in the moment" documentation captures your reasoning while it's fresh in your mind.
- When implementing complex or non-obvious solutions: Whenever you're writing code that isn't immediately self-explanatory—whether it's a workaround for a SwiftUI limitation, an optimization for better performance, or a complex animation sequence—include comments that explain your approach.
- During code reviews: Use the review process as an opportunity to identify areas where comments would improve code clarity. Both reviewers and authors should consider where additional context would be beneficial.
- After debugging complex issues: Once you've resolved a difficult bug, add comments explaining the issue and solution. These insights prevent similar problems in the future and help others understand the subtleties involved.
- Before architectural changes: Before refactoring or making significant architectural changes, document the existing design and the rationale for changes. This documentation provides context for future developers about how the code evolved.
- When creating public APIs or reusable components: Thoroughly document any code that will be used by other developers, whether it's a shared utility, a custom SwiftUI component, or an extension to SwiftUI's functionality.
E. Comments in practice: real-world examples
Let's explore practical examples of effective commenting in SwiftUI development:
i. Documentation comments with triple-slash syntax
Swift's documentation comments (triple-slash comments) provide structured documentation that integrates with Xcode's Quick Help:
/// A custom button that adapts its appearance based on the current context.
/// This button automatically adjusts its color scheme, haptic feedback,
/// and animation style based on the current device capabilities and user
/// preferences.
/// - Parameters:
/// - title: The text to display on the button
/// - action: The closure to execute when the button is tapped
/// - style: The base style of the button (defaults to .primary)
struct AdaptiveButton: View {
let title: String
let action: () -> Void
let style: ButtonStyle
// Implementation...
These documentation comments provide rich information to developers using your components, appearing in Xcode's code completion and Quick Help panels.
ii. Explaining complex algorithms and SwiftUI-specific logic
When implementing sophisticated behaviors, comments help break down the complexity:
struct CarouselView: View {
@State private var activeIndex = 0
let items: [CarouselItem]
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { geometry in
HStack(spacing: 0) {
ForEach(0..<items.count, id: \.self) { index in
.frame(width: geometry.size.width)
.offset(x: CGFloat(index - activeIndex) * geometry.size.width)
* Apply transformation based on distance from active index:
* - Active item (index == activeIndex): No transformation
* - Adjacent items: Scaled down to 90% and faded to 70% opacity
* - Other items: Scaled down to 80% and faded to 40% opacity
* Using abs() to handle items both before and after the active item uniformly
.scaleEffect(transformScale(for: index))
.opacity(transformOpacity(for: index))
.animation(.spring(), value: activeIndex)
// Capture drag gesture to allow manual carousel swiping
.onEnded { gesture in
* Calculate the new active index based on drag direction and velocity:
* - If drag distance > 1/3 of screen width OR velocity is high:
* - Advance in the direction of the drag
* - Otherwise:
* - Snap back to the current index
let dragThreshold = geometry.size.width / 3
let velocity = gesture.predictedEndLocation.x - gesture.location.x
let significantDrag = abs(gesture.translation.width) > dragThreshold
let significantVelocity = abs(velocity) > 100
let dragToRight = gesture.translation.width > 0
if (significantDrag || significantVelocity) && dragToRight && activeIndex > 0 {
activeIndex -= 1
} else if (significantDrag || significantVelocity) && !dragToRight && activeIndex < items.count - 1 {
activeIndex += 1
// Helper functions for calculating transformations based on index distance
private func transformScale(for index: Int) -> CGFloat {
let distance = abs(index - activeIndex)
if distance == 0 {
return 1.0 // Active item at full scale
} else if distance == 1 {
return 0.9 // Adjacent items slightly scaled down
} else {
return 0.8 // Distant items scaled down further
private func transformOpacity(for index: Int) -> Double {
let distance = abs(index - activeIndex)
if distance == 0 {
return 1.0 // Active item fully opaque
} else if distance == 1 {
return 0.7 // Adjacent items slightly faded
} else {
return 0.4 // Distant items more faded
These comments explain the underlying logic of a complex carousel implementation, making it easier for other developers (or your future self) to understand and modify the behavior.
iii. Documenting business rules and conditional rendering
Comments are valuable for explaining business logic that might not be immediately obvious:
struct SubscriptionView: View {
@StateObject private var viewModel = SubscriptionViewModel()
var body: some View {
VStack {
// Subscription tier selection
ForEach(viewModel.availableTiers) { tier in
TierSelectionCard(tier: tier, isSelected: viewModel.selectedTier?.id ==
.onTapGesture {
// Pricing information
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
* Trial Period Logic:
* - New users: 14-day free trial for all tiers
* - Returning users upgrading: Pro-rated trial until next billing date
* - Returning users downgrading: No trial, changes applied at next billing cycle
* Note: Enterprise tiers never receive a trial period regardless of user status
if let trialInfo = viewModel.trialInformation {
* Promotional Discounts:
* - "First 3 months" promotion: Available for new subscribers only
* - "Annual plan" discount: 15% off monthly price when billed annually
* - "Loyalty" discount: 10% for users who have been subscribers for >12 months
* Discounts are not cumulative; only the highest applicable discount is applied
if let discountInfo = viewModel.applicableDiscount {
// Purchase button
Button("Subscribe Now") {
Task {
await viewModel.processPurchase()
These comments document complex business rules about subscription pricing, trials, and discounts, making it clear why certain information is displayed in different scenarios.
iv. Clarifying UI layout structure and component relationships
Comments can help clarify the structure of complex SwiftUI view hierarchies:
struct DashboardScreen: View {
@StateObject private var viewModel = DashboardViewModel()
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
ScrollView {
LazyVStack(spacing: 16) {
/* Header Section
* - User profile summary
* - Quick actions
* - Notification indicator
* This section remains visible when scrolling down
* and contains frequently accessed user actions
HeaderView(user: viewModel.currentUser)
/* Main Content Cards
* Cards are loaded asynchronously based on user's preferences
* and are refreshed on pull-to-refresh or when returning to the tab
if viewModel.isLoading {
} else {
ForEach(viewModel.contentCards) { card in
CardView(card: card)
/* Activity Feed
* - Shows recent activity from connected accounts
* - Paginated loading (initial 10 items + load more)
* - Pull-to-refresh enabled
* Note: This section is hidden for free-tier users
if viewModel.userHasActivityAccess {
ActivityFeedView(activities: viewModel.recentActivities)
/* Footer Information
* - Support links
* - Terms and privacy links
* - App version
.refreshable {
await viewModel.refreshData()
.toolbar {
// Toolbar implementation...
These comments describe the purpose and behavior of different sections in a complex view, making it easier to understand the overall structure and how components relate to each other.
v. Using TODO, FIXME, and WARNING annotation comments
Annotation comments highlight areas that need attention or contain known issues:
struct ImageGallery: View {
@State private var images: [GalleryImage] = []
@State private var isLoading = false
var body: some View {
VStack {
// TODO: Add pull-to-refresh support once we upgrade to iOS 15+
ScrollView {
LazyVGrid(columns: [GridItem(.adaptive(minimum: 120))]) {
ForEach(images) { image in
GalleryThumbnail(image: image)
// FIXME: Image caching isn't working properly on slow networks
.onAppear {
if == images.last?.id && !isLoading {
// WARNING: This button will be removed in v2.0 when we implement automatic loading
Button("Load More") {
.task {
if images.isEmpty {
await loadInitialImages()
private func loadInitialImages() async {
// Implementation...
private func loadMoreImages() {
// Implementation...
These annotation comments highlight areas that need future attention, known issues, or important notes about upcoming changes. They serve as reminders and heads-up for developers working on the codebase.
The examples above demonstrate how well-crafted comments can significantly enhance the readability, maintainability, and collaborative potential of SwiftUI code. When used effectively, they create a comprehensive system for documenting high-quality SwiftUI applications.
3. Best Practices for Effective Documentation
Documentation excellence is both an art and a discipline—requiring careful attention to content, consistency, and context. The most valuable documentation arises from deliberate practices that prioritize clarity, precision, and genuine usefulness over mere verbosity or formulaic approaches to commenting.
A. Comment best practices
Well-written comments are essential for code readability and maintainability. The following best practices will help you create comments that add genuine value to your SwiftUI code:
i. Writing clear, concise, and purposeful comments
The most valuable comments are those that provide context or explanation that isn't immediately obvious from the code itself:
// Poor comment - states the obvious
Button("Save") { // This creates a button
// Better comment - explains intent or non-obvious behavior
Button("Save") { // Uses haptic feedback and shows saving indicator
viewModel.isSaving = true
Task {
await saveData()
viewModel.isSaving = false
Focus on making comments concise but complete enough to convey the necessary information:
// Too terse - missing important context
// Special case
if user.subscription == .premium && daysSinceLastLogin > 30 {
showWelcomeBackOffer = true
// Too verbose - drowns important information in words
// If the user is a premium subscriber, which means they have paid for our premium tier service
// that gives them access to all the premium features, and they haven't logged in for more than
// 30 days, which we track using the lastLoginDate property and calculating the difference from
// today's date, then we will show them a special welcome back offer to encourage re-engagement
// with the application and to reward their loyalty as a premium subscriber.
if user.subscription == .premium && daysSinceLastLogin > 30 {
showWelcomeBackOffer = true
// Just right - explains the rationale concisely
// Show re-engagement offer to premium subscribers who have been inactive for >30 days
if user.subscription == .premium && daysSinceLastLogin > 30 {
showWelcomeBackOffer = true
ii. Maintaining comment accuracy during code evolution
Comments that become outdated are worse than no comments at all. They can mislead developers and cause bugs or confusion:
// Original code with accurate comment
// Apply discount only for orders above $100
if > 100 {
cart.applyDiscount(0.1) // 10% discount
// Later modification with outdated comment
// Apply discount only for orders above $100
if > 75 { // Changed threshold but didn't update comment
cart.applyDiscount(0.15) // Changed to 15% but didn't update comment
When updating code, always review and update the associated comments:
// Updated comment that matches the current implementation
// Apply 15% discount for orders above $75
if > 75 {
Make comment maintenance part of your code review process. When you or a teammate updates code, check if related comments need revision.
iii. Avoiding redundant or self-evident comments
Comments should add value beyond what's already clear from the code:
// Redundant comments that add no value
var username: String // The username
var isLoggedIn = false // Boolean to track if user is logged in
// Setting the background color to blue
// Loop through each item in the array
for item in items {
// ...
Instead, reserve comments for explaining the "why" behind code decisions, especially when the reasoning isn't immediately obvious:
// Valuable comments that explain reasoning or constraints
// Using force unwrap here because this view is only accessible after authentication
let user = userManager.currentUser!
// Half-point border improves sharpness on non-Retina displays
.border(Color.gray, width: 0.5)
// Using lazy loading to improve initial render performance
LazyVStack {
// ...
In most cases, well-written Swift and SwiftUI code already shows what it's doing. Comments are most valuable when they explain why a particular approach was chosen:
// Comment focused on "what" (less useful)
// Set the corner radius to 8 points
// Comment focused on "why" (more useful)
// Matching corner radius with system cards for visual consistency
// Another example of explaining "why"
// Using custom tap gesture instead of Button to prevent highlight state on iPad
.onTapGesture {
// Explaining a workaround or limitation
// Force unwrapping here because SwiftUI's environment initializes after body is first evaluated
// This is safe because we've confirmed the environment value will be set before any user interaction
let theme = themeManager.currentTheme!
The most valuable comments often explain:
- Why a particular design pattern was chosen
- The rationale behind performance optimizations
- Workarounds for SwiftUI limitations or bugs
- Business rules or requirements implemented in code
- Assumptions being made and their justifications
v. Examples of helpful vs. ineffective comments
Let's compare examples to highlight the difference between comments that add value and those that don't:
Ineffective Comments:
// This is a view that shows user profile
struct ProfileView: View {
var body: some View {
// VStack to arrange elements vertically
VStack {
// Display the user's name
// Make the text larger
// Show the user's email
// Function to save data
func saveData() {
// Create a URL
let url = getDocumentsDirectory().appendingPathComponent("data.json")
// Try to write data
do {
try data.write(to: url)
} catch {
// Print error if it fails
These comments simply restate what is already obvious from the code, adding no real value.
Helpful Comments:
/// ProfileView displays and allows editing of user information
/// Accessibility notes:
/// - All fields have appropriate labels for VoiceOver
/// - Dynamic Type is fully supported for all text elements
/// - Contrast ratios exceed WCAG AAA requirements
struct ProfileView: View {
// MARK: - Properties
@StateObject private var viewModel = ProfileViewModel()
@Environment(\.dismiss) private var dismiss
// MARK: - View Body
var body: some View {
Form {
// Personal information section uses different validation rules
// depending on the user's account type (personal vs. business)
Section("Personal Information") {
// Account settings only visible for accounts older than 30 days
// due to security policy requirements
if viewModel.accountAgeInDays > 30 {
Section("Account Settings") {
// Password reset intentionally separated to emphasize security importance
Section {
* We're using a custom back button to prevent data loss when user
* taps back with unsaved changes. This shows a confirmation dialog
* when appropriate and handles the special case of account deletion.
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarLeading) {
// MARK: - Helper Views
/* Extracted subviews with their own comments... */
/// Saves user data with conflict resolution and backup creation
/// - Important: This method implements Apple's data protection best practices
/// including atomic writes and backup creation.
/// - Note: For large datasets, consider using the batch save alternative
/// which processes data in chunks to avoid memory pressure.
func saveData() {
// Create backup before saving in case the operation fails
// This prevents data loss if the app is terminated during save
let url = getDocumentsDirectory().appendingPathComponent("data.json")
// Using atomic write to prevent data corruption if the app
// is terminated during the write operation
do {
try data.write(to: url, options: .atomic)
// Log analytics only in non-private scenarios
if !UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: "privateMode") {
Analytics.logEvent("data_saved", parameters: ["size": data.count])
} catch {
// Restore from backup if the save operation failed
These helpful comments:
- Provide context about why certain approaches were chosen
- Explain business rules and requirements
- Document accessibility considerations
- Clarify edge cases and special handling
- Offer guidance about usage and potential pitfalls
- Use standard documentation formats for better Xcode integration
By following these best practices for comments, you'll create SwiftUI code that's not only functional but also maintainable and collaborative. These documentation practices, when used effectively, elevate your codebase from merely working to truly professional quality.
4. Conclusion
Documentation is essential in SwiftUI development, with comments serving as critical waypoints that explain intent and reasoning beyond what the code itself reveals. These embedded guides are particularly valuable in SwiftUI's declarative environment, helping developers understand complex component relationships, state management decisions, and architectural choices. Effective documentation results from consistent habits: integrating commenting into your development process, establishing clear conventions, and treating documentation as ongoing communication with future developers.
The key is finding balance—writing self-explanatory code first and adding targeted comments where they provide genuine value, rather than simply restating the obvious. Well-documented SwiftUI code delivers professional benefits across multiple dimensions: accelerating onboarding, reducing knowledge silos, lowering maintenance costs, and ensuring applications remain adaptable as they evolve. This commitment to clarity distinguishes truly professional code from implementations that merely function today but become maintenance challenges tomorrow.
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Meet the instructor
We all try to be consistent with our way of teaching step-by-step, providing source files and prioritizing design in our courses.
Sourasith Phomhome
UI Designer
Designer at Design+Code
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