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By now, you must've heard this fairly new concept about augmented reality. The technology isn't new, you have seen it in movies or experienced it in video games. What I mean is that it's now easily accessible to the general population at bare minimum cost, if not free. Although ARKit was only released last year in 2017, it quickly gains in popularity and its possibilities are endless. Some claimed that it’s the “next big shift” or a “game changer”.

In this course, you will be introduced to ARKit and you will learn how to make your own playground. You will be able to add models or even your own designs into the app and play with them. You will also be taught how to apply the lighting and adjust to your liking.

Purchase includes access to 50+ courses, 320+ premium tutorials, 300+ hours of videos, source files and certificates.

Templates and source code

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Download the videos and assets to refer and learn offline without interuption.


Design template


Source code for all sections


Video files, ePub and subtitles

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