Color System
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Establish color system, color extension and main screen’s foundation
In this course, we will be building an expense tracker app. This app is inspired by Mint, a free tool to track your spending, income, bills and budget, all in one place. You can also view all of your account balances and net worth. What’s awesome is that since it connects to your banks, you don’t have to enter any transaction entries manually. I use it everyday for managing my personal finances and it has been great. Recently, Mint has been putting a lot of efforts into revamping their app. They really brought it up a notch.
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Color System
Establish color system, color extension and main screen’s foundation
Transaction Row and Model
Assemble transaction data model, mock data and design transaction row
Data Task Publisher
Fetch transactions with Combine and store in view model
Recent Transaction List
Present the most recent transactions and map icons to categories
Transaction Group
Group transactions by month in transaction list
Line Chart
Visualize data in interactive chart
Transaction Cumulative Sum
Compute daily cumulative expenses for line chart
Transaction Detail
Access information of a specific transaction
Category Listing
Tabulate categories and their subcategories
Category Selection
Reassign category from a listing
Meet the instructor
We all try to be consistent with our way of teaching step-by-step, providing source files and prioritizing design in our courses.
Dara To
Full-stack Developer
I'm a former financial analyst turned coder. Vegetarian, health-centered, dog owner.
5 courses - 25 hours

UI and Animations in SwiftUI
Level up your UI and animation skills by implementing various applications from custom designs in SwiftUI
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Build an Expense Tracker App in SwiftUI
Design and code a SwiftUI 3 app in Xcode 13 with data modeling, data networking, Combine, MVVM and libraries for custom icons and charts.
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Build Quick Apps with SwiftUI
Apply your Swift and SwiftUI knowledge by building real, quick and various applications from scratch
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Advanced React Hooks Handbook
An extensive series of tutorials covering advanced topics related to React hooks, with a main focus on backend and logic to take your React skills to the next level
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Build an ARKit 2 App
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